{.repeat section @} {.end}
{.section errors}{.or} {.section warnings}{.repeated section @}
- {@}
{.end}{.end}{.repeated section @}
- {@}
{.end}{name} - Level {level} - {primary_origin_name}/{secondary_origin_name}
Stat Score Mod Check Strength {strength} {statmods.strength} {levelmods.strength} Dexterity {dexterity} {statmods.dexterity} {levelmods.dexterity} Constitution {constitution} {statmods.constitution} {levelmods.constitution} Intelligence {intelligence} {statmods.intelligence} {levelmods.intelligence} Widsom {wisdom} {statmods.wisdom} {levelmods.wisdom} Charisma {charisma} {statmods.charisma} {levelmods.charisma}
Skills Check Skills Check Acrobatics (Dex) {acrobatics} Athletics (Str) {athletics} Conspiracy (Int) {conspiracy} Insight (Wis) {insight} Interaction (Chr) {interaction} Mechanics (Int) {mechanics} Nature (Wis) {nature} Perception (Wis) {perception} Science (Int) {science} Stealth (Dex) {stealth} Passive
Insight (Wis){passive_insight} Passive
Perception (Wis){passive_perception}
Level {level} {xp} XP AC {ac} Initiative {initiative} Fortitude {fortitude} Speed {speed} Reflex {reflex} Hit Points {hp} Will {will} Bloodied {bloodied}
Features and Feats
- Alpha Mutations: {mutations}
- {primary_origin_name} Origin: You have a +2 bonus to overcharge {overcharge} mutations.
{.section alpha_notes} {.repeated section @}- {source}: {note}
{.end} {.end} {.section notes} {.repeated section @}- {source}: {note}
{.end} {.end} {.section defense_notes} {.repeated section @}- {source}: {note}
{.end} {.end} {.section move_notes} {.repeated section @}- {source}: {note}
{.end} {.end}Inventory
{.repeated section inventory}
- {name} {.section description} ({@}) {.end}
{.section weapon} {dice}{sides} {.end} {.section bonus_damage} + {@}{.end} {.section weapon} damage; {.end} {.section armor} AC {properties.ac}, F {properties.fortitude}, R {properties.reflex}, W {properties.will} {.end} {.section shield} AC {properties.ac}, F {properties.fortitude}, R {properties.reflex}, W {properties.will} {.end} {.section vehicle} {move}: {speed} HP: {hp}
AC: {ac} Other Defenses : {defenses}
Spaces: {spaces}. {.end} {.section notes}{@}{.end} {.section ready_desc}
{@}{.end}{.repeated section powers} {.end} {.section crit_notes}{name}
{freq} * {action}
{.section keywords}Keywords: {.repeated section @}{@}{.alternates with}, {.end}
{.section attack_list}
{.end} {.section aoe}Range:{aoe}{.end}
{.section trigger}Trigger: {trigger}
{.end} {.section Requirement}Requirement: {requirement}
{.end} {.section attack}Attack: {attack}
{.end} {.section target}Target: {target}
{.end} {.section hit}Hit: {hit}
{.end} {.section miss}Miss: {miss}
{.end} {.section effect}Effect: {effect}
{.end} {.section special}Special: {special}
{.repeated section @}
{.end} {.section use_twice}- {name}: +{to_hit} vs. {target}, {dice}{sides}+{damage_bonus} {keywords} damage{.section notes}; {@}{.end}
{.end}You may use this power twice in each encounter
{.end}{.end} {.section alliance}Critical Hits
Effects on a critical hit
- When you score a critical hit, you do an additional {crit_dice}d10 points of damage.
{.repeated section @}- {@}
{.end}{.end} {.end}{name}
Cryptic Alliance
Reveal: {reveal}
Effect: {effect}{name}
{freq} * {action}
{.section keywords}Keywords: {.repeated section @}{@}{.alternates with}, {.end}
{.end} {.section aoe}Range:{aoe}{.end}
{.section trigger}Trigger: {trigger}
{.end} {.section Requirement}Requirement: {requirement}
{.end} {.section attack}Attack: {attack}
{.end} {.section target}Target: {target}
{.end} {.section hit}Hit: {hit}
{.end} {.section miss}Miss: {miss}
{.end} {.section effect}Effect: {effect}
{.end} {.section special}Special: {special}
{.end}Gamma World